Changes in Accreditation Schedule
April 2, 2020 | Filled under News |
Due to all problems related to COVID-19 the Accreditation Subcommittee decided to change the schedule of the accreditation exercises in the round 2020-2021. The change of schedule, taking into account the problems related to sample distribution and access to laboratories, would allow potential participants to take part in the accreditations. The New Deadline for Registration is July 31, 2020. Please refer to the updated Table 1 in Call for Participation in the ICCP Accreditation Programs 2020-2021 Exercise.
In case of any further problems, please contact the chair of Accreditation Subcommittee Dr. Magdalena Misz-Kennan ( or organizers of individual accreditation programs. For Single Coal Accreditation Program please contact Prof. Kimon Christanis (, for Dispersed Organic Matter Vitrinite Reflectance please contact Prof. Joao Graciano Mendonca Filho ( and for Coal Blend Accreditation Program please contact Dr. Małgorzata Wojtaszek (
Dr. Magdalena Misz-Kennan
Chair of the Accreditation Subcommittee