Application of reflectance for estimation of structural order (Structural Order, SWG) |
finalized |
Com III |
Automation |
finalized |
November 29, 2013 |
Com III |
Characterization of Gasification Products Working Group |
active |
Com III |
Classification and Terminology of Zooclasts in old sediments |
active |
Com I |
Classification of Dispersed Organic Matter ICCP-TSOP DOM Atlas |
active |
Com II |
Coal Bed Methane-CO2 Sequestration |
active |
Com II |
Coal Blends |
finalized |
Com III |
Coal Blends Accreditation Program |
active |
Com III |
Coke Petrography |
active |
Com III, Workinggroups |
Combustion |
finalized |
Com III |
Concentration of Organic Matter |
finalized |
July 1, 2015 |
Com II |
Confocal Laser Scanning Microscopy (CLSM) |
finalized |
January 26, 2022 |
Com II |
Coordination of the Handbook Edition (Handbook Editorial Group) |
active |
Com I, Editorial Group |
Degradinite |
finalized |
Com I |
Dispersed organic matter in sedimentary rocks |
active |
Com II |
Distinguishing Features Editorial Group |
active |
Com I, Editorial Group |
DOMVR and Component Identification Results on microscopy samples in Commission II of the ICCP |
active |
Com II |
Environmental Application of Organic Petrology |
active |
Com III |
Geological Application of Graptolite Reflectance |
active |
Com II |
Hard Coal Lithotypes Editorial Group |
active |
Com I, Editorial Group |
ICCP Training Activities |
active |
Com I, Service |
Identification and Petrographic Classification of Components in Fly Ashes |
active |
Com III |
Identification of Dispersed Organic Matter |
active |
Com II |
Identification of Thermal Maturity Relevant Organic Matter |
active |
Com II |
Inertinite in Combustion |
finalized |
Com III |
Liptinite |
finalized |
March 9, 2017 |
Com I, Editorial Group |
Liquefaction Residues Classification Working Group |
active |
Com III |
Micro-FTIR WG |
non active |
Com I |
Microscopic constituents in solid residues from households combustion |
active |
Com III |
New Methodologies & Techniques in Organic Petrology Editorial Group |
active |
Com I, Editorial Group |
Optimization of reflectance measurements on complex blends WG |
active |
Com III |
Oxidation Editorial Group |
finalized |
Com I, Editorial Group |
Palynofacies |
active |
Com II |
Peat Petrography |
active |
Com I |
Petrographic Image Database |
active |
Com I |
Pseudovitrinite Working Group |
active |
Com II |
Pyrolitic Carbon Editorial Group |
finalized |
September 30, 2017 |
Com I, Editorial Group |
QEMSCAN Editorial Group |
active |
Com I, Editorial Group |
Qualifying Vitrinite for DOM Reflectance Analysis |
finalized |
Com II |
Radiolytical alteration of the organic matter in coal and rocks enriched in radioactive minerals |
active |
Com I |
Raman Spectroscopy |
active |
Com I, Editorial Group |
Reflectance Standard Checking |
active |
Com I, Service |
Review of New Methodologies and Techniques in Organic Petrology |
active |
Com I |
Sample Preparation Techniques |
non active |
Com I |
Self-heating of Coal and Coal Wastes Working Group |
active |
Com III |
SEM – TEM Editorial Group |
active |
Com I, Editorial Group |
Shale Gas Studies |
active |
Com II |
Single Coal Accreditation Programme |
active |
Com I, Service |
Standardization |
active |
Com I |
Study the Coal Cleat System by Image Analysis |
finalized |
September 10, 2015 |
Com III |
Suberinite |
active |
Com I |
Temporal Variation of Coals |
finalized |
Com I |
The Microscopy of Carbon Materials Working Group |
active |
Com III |
Thermal Indices |
finalized |
Com II |
White Light Illumination |
non active |
Com I |