Commission III
The University of Queensland,
Coal Lab., School of Earth and Environmental Sciences,
Steele Building (#3),
Staff House Road,
St. Lucia QLD 4072, AUSTRALIA,
Tel: +61 487665405. |
Laboratory of Cokemaking Technology,
Institute of Energy and Fuel Processing Technology (ITPE),
1 Zamkowa St.,
PL-41-803 Zabrze,
Tel.: +48 32 6216241,
Fax: +48 32 2710809 |
This commission is concerned with the industrial applications of coal and organic petrology. A major emphasis has been given to relating coal properties (composition and rank) and the characteristics of residues (coke, chars, fly ash) produced by different processes of coal utilization, e.g., carbonization to obtain metallurgical coke, combustion, liquefaction, etc. Other projects of interest include the elaboration of classifications of residue types, the definition of reactive inertinite and the development of fully-automated microscope systems for characterizing coals. At present, the activities of the working groups in this commission include a wide range of activities such as the petrology of residues after self-heating, the structural order of organic materials, the petrology of carbon materials and the study of the coal cleat system. The commission also hosts the Coal Blends Accreditation Program (CBAP).