Completion of the 14th ICCP Course of General Coal and Organic Petrology
October 31, 2022 | Filled under Courses, News |
The 14th ICCP Course of General Coal and Organic Petrology took place between 24-28th of October, 2022, in the Conference and Cultural Center of the University of Patras. The Course was jointly organized by the International Committee for Coal and Organic Petrology and the GeoEnergy Resources Team of the Department of Geology, University of Patras, being supported by Hilgers Technisches Büro and the Special Research Account of the University of Patras.
Instructors of the course were Dr. Stavros Kalaitzidis, Department of Geology UP, Greece, Dr. Maria Ángeles Gómez Borrego, Ιnstituto de Ciencia y Tecnología del Carbono (INCAR-CSIC), Spain, and Dr. Nicola J. Wagner, Department of Geology, University of Johannesburg, South Africa.
The topics covered a wide range of subjects, from theoretical background of maceral concepts to applications in geology and industry. Practical sessions were conducted using the FOSSIL Student software, as well as the coal-petrographic microscope of the Department of Geology.
The Course was attended by 18 participants, including young scientists and professionals, who work in organic petrology related disciplines. Attendees came from universities, research centers, geological surveys, and Companies, originating in Argentina, Brazil, Germany, Greece, Philippines, South Africa, Slovenia, The Netherlands, Turkey and USA.
The last day the participants visited the Keri Mire in Zakynthos Island, where they had the chance to see an active peat-forming environment, asphalt seepages within the peatland, and a nearby Miocene outcrop with rich-in-organics intervals. The course concluded with a gastronomic tour of Greek Cuisine in the historic center of Zakynthos town.

14th ICCP Course Sponsors

14th ICCP Course Group

14th ICCP Course Activities