9th ICCP Training Course in Organic Petrology
December 20, 2015 | Filled under Courses |
1. Introduction The International Committee for Coal and Organic Petrology (ICCP), in conjunction with Geolab, DGGV (Deutsche Geologische Gesellschaft – Geologische Vereiningung e.V.), the Teichmüller Foundation and GFZ (the German Research Centre for Geosciences), is pleased to announce a training course in organic petrology to be held in Potsdam between 6-10th June […] more
8th ICCP Course: Organic Petrology for Industrial Applications
December 17, 2015 | Filled under Courses |
The ICCP Training Course on Organic Petrology for Industrial Applications was held successfully at the Geolab in the Great Refractor Building on Telegraphenberg in Potsdam. The International Committee for Coal and Organic Petrology (ICCP), in conjunction with Geolab, DGGV, Teichmüller Foundation and GFZ (the German Research Centre for Geosciences), organised this training course, which was centred on […] more
PhD and Postdoc positions within the Consolidator Grant project PALEOCHAR at the La Laguna University, Tenerife (Spain)
November 11, 2015 | Filled under Offers |
ERC Consolidator Grant project PALEOCHAR is geared at the investigation of Neanderthal fireplaces at a microscopic and molecular scale to advance our understanding of Late Pleistocene paleoenvironments and Neanderthal behavior. The project is based at Universidad de La Laguna, Tenerife, and is currently inviting applications for postdoctoral positions and fully funded PhD fellowships. Please find […] more
Thiessen Medals awarded
September 16, 2015 | Filled under Uncategorized |
During the Potsdam meeting the Thiessen Medal was awarded to Zuleika Caretta Correa da Silva from Brazil and Walter Pickel from Australia. We congratulate both awardees! . more
Successful 67th ICCP Meeting in Potsdam
September 14, 2015 | Filled under Meetings |
More than 80 scientists participated in the various working groups discussions during the 67th ICCP Meeting in Potsdam, Germany. The one-day Symposium “Coal and Organic Petrology – New Perspectives and Applications: a tribute to Marlies Teichmüller (1914-2000)” included a broad variety of topics related to organic petrology. Prior to the meeting an excursion to the Open […] more
ICCP Training Course – Organic Petrology for Industrial Applications
September 12, 2015 | Filled under Courses |
The ICCP Training Course on Organic Petrology for Industrial Applications was held successfully at the Geolab in the Great Refractor Building on Telegraphenberg in Potsdam. The International Committee for Coal and Organic Petrology (ICCP), in conjunction with Geolab, DGGV, Teichmüller Foundation and GFZ (the German Research Centre for Geosciences), organised this training course, which was centred on […] more
ICCP Student Travel Grant
September 11, 2015 | Filled under Awards |
The 2015 ICCP travel grant was awarded to Małgorzata Uglik from the University of Wrocław, Poland. Congratulations ! The ICCP Student Travel Grant is designed to support student attendance at the ICCP Training Courses. The ICCP Travel Grant supports qualified MSc and PhD students from around the world, who are active in fields related […] more
Reinhardt Thiessen Award
January 9, 2015 | Filled under Awards |
This is the highest award offered by ICCP. It recognises significant achievements and outstanding contributions in the fields of coal and organic petrology. The award consists of a bronze medal. The call for nominations for 2015 closed on APRIL 30th 2015. Find more information here. more
2014/2015 ICCP Accreditation Program
January 6, 2015 | Filled under General Information, Service |
The 2014/2015 ICCP accreditation program for SCAP and DOM is finished. The certificates for DOM and SCAP have been send to the participants. The CBAP is still ongoing. more
Successful and Exciting ICCP-Meeting in Kolkata, India
August 25, 2014 | Filled under Meetings |
The 66th ICCP meeting took place in Kolkata, India. Meeting venue was Science City, Kolkata. The meeting was organized and hosted by CSIR-Central Institute of Mining & Fuel Research, Ministry of Science & Technology, Government of India . Dr. Amalendu Sinha, Chairman, Organizing Committee, ICCP-2014 & Director, CSIR-CIMFR, Dhanbad & Dr. Ashok K. Singh, Organising […] more