7th ICCP Course: Dispersed Organic Matter, GFZ, Potsdam, Germany
November 11, 2013 | Filled under Courses, General Information |
23-27 June, 2014, Potsdam, Germany – Teachers: Joao Graciano Mendonca Filho & Angeles G. Borrego more
6th ICCP Course in Organic Petrology at GFZ, Potsdam
August 30, 2013 | Filled under Courses |
10-14 June 2013, Potsdam, Germany – Teachers: Claus Diessel & Walter Pickel more
5th ICCP Course in Coal and Organic Petrology
July 31, 2012 | Filled under Courses |
31 July to 3 August, 2012 Brisbane, Australia Teachers: Claus F.K. Diessel & Walter Pickel more
4th ICCP Course in Dispersed Organic Matter
September 7, 2011 | Filled under Courses |
September 7-9, 2011 University of Porto Portugal Teachers: Alan C. Cook & João G. Mendonça Filho more
3rd ICCP Course in Organic Petrology Gondwana Flavour
May 9, 2011 | Filled under Courses |
May 9-13, 2011 University of the Witwatersrand (Wits) Johannesburg, South Africa Teachers: Alan C. Cook & Claus F. K. Diessel more
2nd ICCP Course in Organic Petrology
June 14, 2010 | Filled under Courses |
June 14-18, 2010 Helmholtz Centre Potsdam German Research Centre for Geosciences GFZ Potsdam, Germany Teachers: Alan C. Cook & Claus F. K. Diessel more
1st ICCP Course in Organic Petrology
November 16, 2009 | Filled under Courses |
November 16-20, 2009 Helmholtz Centre Potsdam German Research Centre for Geosciences GFZ Potsdam, Germany Teachers: Alan C. Cook & Claus F. K. Diessel more