Peat Petrography
January 27, 2013 | Filled under Com I |
established in 2003 (Utrecht)

Textinite with cell fillings and empty cavities. White light excitation. Oil immersion lense

Textinite with cell fillings and empty cavities. Blue light excitation. Oil immersion lense
The Peat-Petrography Working Group was established in 2003 (Utrecht) and the aim of this WG is:
a. to bring together petrographers that deal with the petrological features of peat, but also scientists from other disciplines that have an interest in “peat science”,
b. to examine the applicability of the existent maceral terminology,
c. to assess/evaluate the necessity of a nomenclature scheme for the micropetrographic constituents of peat, and to which directions this scheme would be feasible to apply for.
Some preliminary directions can include:
• coal science (i.e. as maceral precursors)
• soil science (i.e. considering peat as organic-rich soil – histosols)
• organic-rich sediments science (i.e. dispersed organic matter)
• material science (i.e. applications in industry, environment protection etc.)
• botanic – plant science (i.e. phytogenic approach)
d. to propose a terminology that will accomplish the specifications for a comprehensive description of peat microscopic constituents.
Overview, Objective & Methods
Up to now, 4 exercises have been conducted;
In 2004 and 2005, files containing photomicrographs from peat polished blocks, prepared from topogenous Greek and ombrogenous Finish mires, have been distributed, and the participants had to identify and comment on the particles featured in each image. The results were presented in the ICCP Meetings of Budapest and Patras, respectively.
In 2006 and 2007 exercises, polished blocks of intact peat from the Philippi and Nissi peatlands in Greece, have been circulated and the participants were asked to provide qualitative and quantitative characterization of the various constituents along with photomicrographs. The exercise lasted for 2 years and the replies were grouped and presented in 2007 in Victoria.
For 2008 the photographic material obtained from the peat-blocks that were previously provided by the members has been grouped mostly at maceral level. A file with images from the identified macerals was distributed and the participants had to comment on the images. The results were presented in Oviedo Meeting.
A draft classification of Peat macerals was discussed during the 64th ICCP Meeting in Beijing and at this stage the final report is prepared.
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